Saturday, September 17, 2005

It's finally getting to be spring! Which means that it's time to sit by the Río de la Plata, read, nap, and drink copious quantities o' mate.

On Tuesday, I start Guay Fest, subir-ing a long-distance colectivo al rumbo de Asunción. Wednsday is Día del estudiante*, which means no clase, and I have no clases on Friday and only one on Thursday, which is quite missable, así que es obviomente a situation that demands I go out exploring (and, of course, the exigencias of no menos de cuatro immenent monografías demand that I take at least a little bit of work with me...bueno, I can sit on the bank of the Río Paraguay, read, and drink massive amounts of tereré. And burn my ass off, because Paraguay is hot, which I am looking forward to, so, so very much). Anyway, I'll be coming back from Cuidad del Este this coming weekend, so it will be a mere taste of Paraguay.

The other half of the Guay fest is, of course, the other Guay, Uru, which will be explored around the middle of October due to similar circumstances to those described above (only more irresponsible of me, because the mentioned monografías will be ever more immenent at that time...en realidad I haven't yet totally decided to travel then, because I'm thinking about just exploring this area, and not going to Patagonia as originally planned, after school is out, because it's just so damn big, and more importantly, so damn cold, which I'm not in the mood to put up with again for a while. But who knows.).

There's a full moon tonight, and the sunset was great, and I think that's about all for right now.

*The number of holidays here is really, truly ridiculous, especially when added to the number of student strikes and maestría strikes. I have no idea how people ever manage to graduate from public (real) universities here.

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